Out of all the women we’ve seen on TV, Leslie Knope is easily one of the most inspirational and influential. Parks and Recreation may have been a comedy, but Amy Poehler was also able to showcase her character’s tough fight against the sexism she experienced. Whether in her work, friendships, or relationships, Leslie always sought to be the best she could, and we can all appreciate what we learned from watching her lead. Let’s walk through some of her most inspirational lines from the show.
Leslie’s compliments for Ann
-No one has quite as much love for their best friend as Leslie Knope. Ann, you beautiful ray of golden sunshine, I hope you know how much Leslie adores you.
Me: "I hope all of these posts about politics and voting aren't annoying. 🤔"
— Jordan Meehan (@JordanMeehan) November 2, 2018
Also me: pic.twitter.com/H8c9R9veJ2
“One person’s annoying is another’s inspiring and heroic.”
-While Ann found Andy ridiculous and eventually unappealing, April saw him as the love of his life. You know what they say about one man’s trash and another man’s treasure.
“I have the most valuable currency in America: A blind, stubborn belief that what I’m doing is 100% right.”
-With anyone else this would be the worst thing to hear since they’re probably wrong. At least with Leslie we can have a good feeling that whatever she believes in is probably the right thing to think or do.
“I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.”
-And I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by a fictional TV character. No shame in saying I learned a thing or two from Leslie Knope!
Hey women of York! I've started a new networking group with a few other awesome ladies.
— Beth Dawes (@bethdawes2017) June 12, 2019
It's called Revive and it's all about exploring the professional AND personal elements of success.
Message me if you want to know more! Leslie Knope quotes guaranteed. pic.twitter.com/4SCUx7FD3W
“I am a goddess. A glorious female warrior. Queen of all that I survey. Enemies of fairness and equality, hear my womanly roar.”
-Let this be a mantra for all women. Leslie never wanted to be treated better as a woman, just to be treated as an equal. We can all get behind that!
“Hey Leslie, it’s Leslie. Hang in there. I love you. Bye.”
-Self-love level 1,000. When Ann’s not around to provide support, Leslie is completely on point in showing herself some love and support. Let’s all take a note!
“I stand behind my decision to avoid salad and other disgusting things.”
-Outside of Pawnee salad is a delicious food, but the commitment to stick to your core beliefs is inspiring. Personally, I stand behind my decision that mustard is a disgusting condiment to be avoided at all costs.
“The thing about youth culture is that I don’t understand it.”
-The thing about youth culture is that every generation is a little bit weirder than the generation before. Even millennials don’t understand all the traditions and slang of Gen Z. No doubt that Gen Zs will say the same about the next generation.
“February 13th, Galentine’s Day, is about celebrating lady friends. It’s wonderful, and it should be a national holiday. It SHOULD be a national holiday.”
-As the queen of friendships, it’s no surprise that Leslie had an entire day dedicated to celebrating how much she loved all of her friends. Now we all need to know just how far back she was celebrating this momentous day.
“Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.”
-Girl code meets feminist Dr. Seuss. The reason we even celebrate Galentine’s Day: our girl friends hold major value in our lives and we should always remember to hold them in high esteem!
“You’re right, I know. I have to be the grown up. But it’s so hard!”
-We’ve all thought this a time or two when we have to be the bigger person. Makes me feel a little better to hear Leslie complain about it as much as I want to sometimes.
“I need to remember every little thing about how perfect my life is right now at this exact moment.”
-You know the only thing better than perfectly happy moments in your life? Realizing you’re in a completely happy moment and taking special time to store every detail in your memory to revisit later.
“I love you and I like you.”
-ALL the heart eyes for Leslie and Ben’s wedding and the greatest wedding vows ever heard. What better way to start a marriage than sharing just how perfect you are for each other?
“Positive is always better than negative.”
-Bet I don’t have to ask you if Leslie is a glass half empty or glass half full kinda gal. She finds a way to see the joy in everything she does and motivates us to do the same.
“Winning is every girl’s dream. But it’s my destiny.”
-Leslie is the best example of “speak what you want into existence” that you could ever find. When you decide something is your destiny, you won’t let anything get in the way of it.
In honor of tonight's #ParksAndRecFinale, some Leslie Knope #inspiration: pic.twitter.com/5yMsnrCUDM
— Born This Way Foundation (@BTWFoundation) February 25, 2015
“Do it. Fierce. Power.”
-Pump yourself up before a big Zoom meeting with this gem. Just make sure your camera and microphone are off, unless you plan on motivating everyone else in your office.
Ok, maybe it’s time I start rewatching some Parks and Rec so I can get some Leslie Knope inspiration to find the light at the end of this tunnel🤪 pic.twitter.com/fT9iwn4wyz
— Billy Marino (@balderdashbill) November 4, 2019
“So I’m right on the edge of a nervous breakdown.”
-First, kudos to Leslie for always completely acknowledging a fragile mental state and working through it. Second, if Leslie Knope can make it through her campaign for city council, you can make it through anything.
Leaving for vacation this morning and cannot wait to say this while I am there. Leslie Knope is my personal hero. from PandR
“I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.”
-Besides, April says that “all wine tastes the same and if you spend any more than 5 dollars on wine, you are very stupid.” Sounds like we have a couple ameteur sommeliers on our hands.
“I’m cried out. But I want to cry some more. So I’m rehydrating.”
-Always willing to give 110%. So of course she had to cry all her tears and make sure she could produce more. She wouldn’t be Leslie Knope if she didn’t do something as committed as this.
“A guys mom called and broke up with me for him. There was another time where I was on a date and I tripped and broke my kneecap..”
-Leslie had a lot of date what-ifs because they were actually date had-happeneds. If she went through all of those and still ended up with her soul mate, there’s hope for every single one of us.
“This isn’t real. This isn’t happening.”
-Best reaction ever to meeting Joe Biden. It’s even more fun if you try to imagine how she’d react now that he’s president of the United States. Her man crush was very prophetic.
I’m gonna keep using Leslie Knope inspirational quotes until the end of time 🥳 pic.twitter.com/13foPHXBFM
— Cecilia Paige (@akaCecicoot) March 24, 2021
“You have all the strengths.”
-Ever the ambitious friend, Leslie knew just what to say to an exhausted and hormonal new mom. We all need a Leslie to pump us up when we’re feeling our worst. Or you can always pretend she’s just talking straight to you.
the election is just around the corner. experts say it's too late to send in your ballot via mail to ensure it's counted in time so find an official dropbox or vote in person but be sure to do so on or before nov 3rd. the sooner the better. go vote. make good choices & take care. pic.twitter.com/WPdVnZYIgb
— out of context parks and rec (@nocontextpawnee) October 29, 2020
“The reason why Bobby and I are appearing together is to send the message that everyone should get out and vote no matter who they’re voting for.”
-What better message to hear during an era of constant political turmoil? Parks and Recreation may have ended a while ago, but the gems shared in the show will stay relevant for years and years to come.
“When you hear them talk about the blonde pain in the ass… That’s me!”
-Chris and Ann may have been the ultimate spin team, but Leslie was the ultimate spin woman, finding a way to celebrate even when she made everyone else in the room crazy.
— out of context parks and rec (@nocontextpawnee) October 6, 2020
“I love this town. And when you love something, you don’t threaten it. You don’t punish it. You fight for it. You take care of it. You put it first.”
-Ultimate Leslie Knope. While she may have been headstrong, we all knew just how much she loved Pawnee by the sacrifices she was willing to make for the betterment of her town.
One way or another, Leslie Knope inspires us all. Whether it is in our friendships, relationships, or careers, we can ask ourselves, “What would Leslie do?”
People also ask:
What does Leslie Knope say about Galentine’s day?
Galentine’s Day is the ultimate celebration of female friendship. It’s so important that it comes a day before the celebration of any romantic relationships. Boyfriends may come and go, but true friends are forever. Enjoying your best friends and the best breakfast foods at brunch makes Galentine’s Day the greatest holiday of the year.