- Samwise Gamgee is everything.
No really, none of this happens without Sam. He’s the MVP, the star of the show, the unsung hero, and the heart of the ocean. Anyone who doesn’t understand this must be in league with Sauron.

- Beer
Maybe if these two hobbits were drinking some of Gandalf’s red wine, they wouldn’t be in such a silly state at 4am. It’s understandable though, as beers of Middle Earth are wide in variety and full of temptation.
- The One Ring
Don’t you dare cast this One Ring into the fire and destroy it! In fact, if you need me, I’ll be over here destroying this thing right into my mouth. This looks like the perfect bite of a meal for elevensies.
- Boomer
The more I talk to these folks in the younger generations, the more I feel like Sam in this scene. I’m a proud millennial you younguns! You can’t shame me with your boomering!
- Ents
Of everything in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, hands down one of the most marvelous must be the Ents. Who couldn’t fall in love with walking trees that fight your battles for you and let you ride in their branches? I’ll get some treehugging going on with Treebeard any day of the week.
- All of them
Like Bilbo, we are not held back by the silly constraints of time and space. I’ll have all of the LOTR movies AND the Hobbit trilogy sir! Fetch me them post haste!
- Cartwheels
There’s nothing like a good ol’ Parks and Rec crossover meme to make both Leslie Knope and Frodo shine. Yes my dear, of course you’re doing cartwheels. Poor Gandalf and poor Ann.
- 2020
Born before the shaping of Arda, the wizard born by the name Olórin continues to give us wisdom into our darkest days. Thankfully, we’ve made it to 2021 at last, and it’s time to make peace with the events of 2020. Time has given us something folks, and it’s up to us to figure out what we’ll do with it.
- The Simarillion
For the hardest of the hardcore LOTR fans, the Simarillion is the best part of the whole thing. It’s obscure and hard to read, winding you through all kinds of mythopoetic stories that would put most meme chasing internet kids to sleep, or perhaps they would just read it to death like a bad guy in Indiana Jones. (I’m no expert, but from where I sit it’s the best of Tolkien. No wonder Peter Jackson slipped so much of it into his films.)
- TV spinoff
How do we NOT have a British mystery style show about this guy solving crimes in Hobbiton yet? Like CSI Hobbiton. It’s a massive missed creative opportunity. Hey, Amazon Prime, are you reading this?
- Food blog
This insight puts the entire book trilogy into a totally different light for me. Mind. Blown. The real question is whether the food of Middle Earth is worth reading 1137 pages?
Canonically, the Lord of the Rings is a memoir by hobbits, which has several detailed descriptions of meals throughout, so maybe the whole saga is just one of those recipe blogs where they have to tell you a whole epic story before getting to the food.
— Sean Kelly (@StorySlug) June 3, 2021
Who wants to go to Mordor when you can go eat Swedish meatballs in a furniture store? Sign me up for that kind of action. I wonder if it’s easier to find your way out of the Mines of Moria or the paths of IKEA.
- Force ghosts
This LOTR crossover meme is tugging my heart strings in all the right places! How much does our heart hurt for Boromir and Denethor. Anyone who didn’t shed a tear for Gollum is a heartless brute of an orc traitor. Also, ewoks + hobbits = heaven.
The ending LOTR deserved….. pic.twitter.com/vDB7Ho7T2H
— Star Wars: Gaming (@swtorstrategies) May 30, 2021
- Peace
Are we getting a moment of peace in 2021? This Lord of the Rings meme is spot on, and Boromir was a man who always was in tune with carving out self-care. After everything that the world went through in 2020, it’s a wonder we aren’t all as surly about life as Gimli.
- Long Walk
Wait wait, how far did Sam and Frodo walk? This Middle Earth meme is making my brain hurt and my feet ache. I’ll need to eat some po-tay-toes to digest the distance that our heroes walked to save the world.
- My Precious
There is no such thing as watching the Lord of the Rings too much. Are you sad? Turn on the Fellowship of the Ring to find some hope. Feeling like you could use a boost to fight the good fight? The Two Towers is here for some morale boosting. Ready to celebrate a milestone? Watch the Return of the King with a big mug of stout.
- Elijah Wood
I mean, isn’t it possible that Elijah Wood kept the One Ring? The man does not seem to have aged a day in almost twenty years.
- Gollum?
It doesn’t matter where I see the actors from the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies, I always see them as their characters from Middle Earth. When Agent Everett Ross and Ulysses Klaue sat across from one another in Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, obviously LOTR fans saw Bilbo and Gollum. Doesn’t matter that Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis are masterful actors – they’ll always be these beloved characters to some of us!
- Priorities
Snyder’s Justice League cut is clearly a bloated and overly long waste of time. Anybody who’s into that must not have a life. We have productive things to do with ourselves people, like watching twelve hours straight of LOTR.
- Why Frodo?
Even Pikachu would have known better than to trust Gollum. Seriously Frodo what in the name of Rivendell is wrong with you? And then you went after Sam over that lembas bread. Smeagol might have been a cool guy at first, but Gollum was just not your bro Frodo.
- MOM!
Oh my dear sweet brother, I am sorry to see you fall into the abyss. The time will come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of us all, if that’s any consolation at all.
- Second breakfast
It’s a meme within a meme fellow Ringers – a meta meme. Boromir would hate it, which makes it all the more satisfying. Speaking of satisfying, we really need to talk about what second breakfast looks like too. An apple is not gonna cut it. Don’t come at me with that protein bar. Give me POTATOES!
via MEME
- Big mood
Bilbo about to throw down with Gandalf in his little door in the Shire is a BIG MOOD. If only I felt this scrappy all the time. Unfortunately my stamina is not quite as strong as a hobbit with the One Ring.
- Galadriel
This meme is about as old as the hills of Rohan, but I love it anyway. Galadriel knows what’s up. Listening to her in Rivendell makes me feel less anxious, so there’s that . . .
- Tolkien himself
Finally, I leave you with the best kind of Lord of the Rings meme, which is a quote from the creator himself. Though Peter Jackson had his own vision for the Fellowship of the Ring and the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, it’s J.R.R. Tolkien who gives us the powerful story that spawned so much joy. Thank you for our travels in Middle Earth and for teaching us how to speak Elvish.
Leonard Nimoy singing the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins is something like a Lord of the Rings meme come to life. It is perhaps the most perfect LOTR creation ever to come out of Middle Earth.