What does “today years old” mean?
Sometimes we learn something new that makes us think, “How did I not know this all along?!” Sometimes it’s been right in front of our face the whole time, and sometimes it’s a new obscure fact that we’re just now discovering. Either way, this trivia is fun to learn and share!
I was today years old when I found out I could dust a t-rex https://t.co/f2tJOhyo7j
— rhyme (@Rhymestyle) April 23, 2021
If you’re like me, you’re now wondering just how fast a T-Rex could walk. I used to imagine thundering steps racing through the forest. Turns out, scientists have shared that the average walking speed of a T-Rex was just 2.86 miles per hour. Wow!.
i was today's years old when i learned that giraffes have different patterns pic.twitter.com/1lF7fHcR3B
— 🦋 (@yusufjoestar) April 10, 2020
I don’t know that I ever paid attention to different patterns on a giraffe before. Can scientists tell giraffes apart by their patterns? Do giraffes at different zoos have different patterns? So many questions!
I was today years old when I learned about how giraffes fight 🦒 pic.twitter.com/dOFHkVvCAb
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) February 20, 2021
Watch this a few times to take it all in. What do you get when two giraffes collide? A giraffic jam! But seriously, why are giraffes so slow to apologize after they fight? Because it takes them a long time to swallow their pride.
OK so I've just found out that green peppers turn yellow then orange then red and they're actually all the same pepper just less ripe and my mind is blown
— Today Years Old (@todayyearsoldig) January 22, 2019
Red bell peppers are delicious, sweet, and crisp. Green peppers just taste like crunchy water. Some things are definitely worth the wait.
PSA🗣: YOU CAN SCAN DOCUMENTS IN NOTES (iPhone only) pic.twitter.com/t7ihKC4Ic6
— Lula (@wildchildlula) February 23, 2019
Most of us don’t have a scanner readily available when we need it (or ever at all). This hack makes life much easier since our phones are always around. Save this one for later!
Did y’all know that this means how long you have to use that product from the date you break the seal before it’s no longer considered “a good product” 🤔🤔👀👀 pic.twitter.com/G4SlTNM1eG
— Today Years Old (@todayyearsoldig) June 24, 2020
We definitely need to pay attention to this one since lots of makeup took a hiatus during quarantine for the past year. Now if only I could remember when I actually opened these products…
I was today years old when I learned that sea urchins naturally use shells as hats to make them feel safer and camouflaged so some aquarists had the genius idea to make them tiny hats pic.twitter.com/z8IcJx7fBI
— Living Morganism 🌱 (@ok_girlfriend) November 22, 2020
I’m sure the aquarists wanted to do something nice for the sea urchins. I’m also 100% positive they smile a huge, dopey smile every time they look at one of these cuties. How could you not?
I was today years old when I found out that the saying, “if you’re not there you’re square” is because you are not “a-round” …. 🥲😔
— chel$ea (@chhlss) March 31, 2021
Sometimes we get to enjoy just how clever other people are and this is definitely one of those times.
i was today years old when i learned that this is how cashews grow. pic.twitter.com/dIQEGU7Sbx
— Nature & Animals🌴 (@AnimalsWorId) March 11, 2021
Is it just me or do some of the cashews look angry? It’s like they know that they’re going to end up losing those little hats and be a delicious snack for someone.
I was today years old when I learned that when people say, “break a leg” before an audition, it’s because they want you to end up in a cast. Like the cast of a show. 🤯
— Kayla Braxton (@KaylaBraxtonWWE) February 7, 2021
And a pilot is called a pilot because it’s the first time on air 🤯
Thanks Tik Tok.
Here’s another fun play on words. The peculiarities of the English language lend themselves to some pretty original sayings, but along the way we can forget where they came from.
I was today years old when I realized we’ve all been cutting cake the wrong way – birthdays will be changed forever. pic.twitter.com/qnCuzcJX14
— Musa Tariq (@musa) November 25, 2020
I’ve heard of slicing cake with floss, but this is the first time I’ve seen wine glasses used. It looks like the perfect way to make sure you don’t lose any frosting and it cuts down on dishes!
I was today years old when I realized..
— DECAP (@decapmusic) November 18, 2020
The sound of “snapping” isn’t from actually snapping your fingers, it’s when your finger slaps against the palm of your hand 🤷🏻♂️
Obviously, as soon as I read this I had to test it. I never slowed down to pay attention to how the snapping sound is made. The fun part is telling your friends and watching all of them test it out.
I was today years old when I heard about the Hammerhead Bat.😱😱 pic.twitter.com/8YtVKmXP6C
— 💙 Koko ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿💙 (@Kokomothegreat) May 7, 2020
This photo makes these bats seem bigger than they actually are (on average 10 inches long and 8-15 ounces heavy) but I never imagined bats having such an interesting face. I did learn it’s the largest bat on the African continent!
I was today years old when it dawned on me that it’s called a quart because there are four of them in a gallon.
— Daniel Summers, MD (@WFKARS) August 29, 2020
Not until the moment I read this tweet did I realize this fact. Of course, there are 4 quarts in a gallon, just like there are 4 quarters in a dollar. Now I just need to remember how many pints and cups are in a gallon.
I was today years old when I learned that if you make a mistake in your iPhone calculator you don’t need to delete the whole number, you can just swipe right on it. pic.twitter.com/Psy5O5FPHR
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) May 24, 2020
I tested this out of course, and found that it actually works whether you swipe right or left, right across the numbers at the top. I can’t begin to estimate how many times I’ve cleared after typing one digit incorrectly.
Whatever the equivalent of twitter is in 2043:
— one (1) yike (@angryangryalice) February 4, 2021
"I was today years old when I found out that zoomers got their name from being Generation Z, NOT from Zoom school in the Great Pandemic!!!"
I truly laughed out loud at this. Don’t we all wonder how future generations will look back on the current history being created? Someday the pandemic will be a distant memory, and Gen Z will cry at the thought of being connected to Boomers.
I was today years old when I found out Pablo Picasso died in 1973…. I thought he was from like the 1600s
— 🎧Shanny (@ASMRshanny) April 21, 2021
I’m gonna go hide now…. pic.twitter.com/K3NKMwwdsI
Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. I won’t lie, I also thought he lived centuries ago, not decades. The upside to this is that unlike many artists, when Picasso died he was wildly rich and famous. He was able to enjoy others appreciating his art within his lifetime.
I am today years old when I found out sea bunnies exist. pic.twitter.com/F3kOQBPwW6
— Canadian 🇨🇦 King 👑 (@MyLastChance8) April 10, 2021
It’s the ears for me. They look pretty cute and cuddly, but in reality, these little bunnies are slugs. And super toxic. You know what they say— looks can be deceiving.
I was today years old when I learned road signs in Japan warning a highway will be closed off in the event of a major earthquake have a catfish on them because in Japanese lore a giant catfish, Namazu, is believed to live under Japan and cause the earth to shake when it moves pic.twitter.com/cL58BZHpmx
— Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) March 31, 2021
What else would we expect from the origin country of Hello Kitty? I’m also blown away by the incredible emergency preparation!
— Y a r a • يارا • Hectic Skeleton (@Yara_Haridy) July 16, 2019
I was today years old when I learned that..
What in the #Botany is this?!🥜 pic.twitter.com/3MJmFtv7vb
I know I’m not the only one who pictured peanuts growing on trees or bushes instead of in the dirt. And I NEVER imagined them growing in giant clusters like these.
I was today years old when I found out David’s dad in schitts creek is his actual dad in real life and twyla is his actual sister in real life, woah
— Chris M.✌ (@chris_bombshell) September 22, 2020
I already knew that the actors for David and his dad (Daniel and Eugene Levy) were actually father and son. It took me a much longer time to find out that Sarah Levy, who plays Twyla, is Daniel’s sister!
I was today years old when I realized I could just *search* for emojis instead of scrolling through them & squinting, has this always been an option? wth…💀 pic.twitter.com/47MSX9vAnd
— Juita Martinez (@JuitaMartinez) December 9, 2020
I’m afraid to consider how much time I’ve spent searching through the appropriate category to find one specific, rarely used emoji. Are you telling me this option has been available the entire time?!
i was today years old when i learned that a pony is not a baby horse https://t.co/P6E8lXUgvp
— cloxic (@cloxic) June 8, 2020
Now I want to know who else thought this. And how many people are shocked every time they see a tweet like this because they, too, thought ponies were baby horses.